The campus is set in the Jaintia Hills, with nature at its inexplicable best. The campus, partly crediting the prayer garden, is known to reduce carbon emissions. We are experts at categorizing the aspects that we need to act on that play an important role in the overall effect on the environment.
We are a no-plastic zone, considering the outrageous effect of the components that degrade the quality of the atmosphere and the environment. Carbon emissions are reduced and bicycles are encouraged while on campus.
We at NEAU propagate environmental activities that lead to proper preservation of the ecosystem. Students are also taught about the importance of significant occasions like Environment day and are inculcated into activities that spread awareness and that would ultimately lead to people not indulging in practices that degrade the environment.
We teach students that we have an important role to play when it comes to safeguarding our natural resources and that we must assert on people the significance of doing it so that it leads to a healthier and safer environment.